Monday, August 24, 2020

PECADO Y SALVACION Essays - Music, Corn Tellado,

PECADO Y SALVACION INTRODUCCION : Acabamos de escuchar la charla sobre el love de Dios, alguno podria decirme que entendio con esta charla? Muy bien, muy bien estaban atentos. Esta charla trata sobre el PECADO, que nos aleja de la gracia de Dios y que debemos hacer para dejar de pecar y ganarnos la SALVACION. CUAL FUE LA INTENCION DE DIOS AL CREAR EL MUNDO? Tasks aqui sabemos lo grande que es Papa Dios, tasks sabemos que task lo que El hace, lo hace por love, y en la profundidad de ese love, El decidio crearnos a su imagen y semejanza, para ser reflejo de su gracia y de su gloria, que fueramos sus hijos y el nuestro padre, que lo amaramos, respetaramos, y que vivieramos en paz los unos con los otros, como hermanos que somos. LA SITUACION PRESENTE NO REFLEJA LA INTENCION DE DIOS. Es cierto que la situacion genuine del mundo y de nuestro pais, no reflejan el plan de love que Dios tiene para nosotros, los problemas como sociales, como las guerras, vivimos en un mundo de fear y opresion que nosotros los humanos buscamos al querer tener mas poder, los crimenes, cada dia mas la vida se respeta menos, cada dia mas vemos en las noticias centenares de atracos, muertes, casos de corrupcion, y etcetera. Los problemas personales, como el odio, cada dia se nos hace mas dificil perdonar an alguien que nos ofenda, buscamos resolver tasks los problemas con golpes y violencia. Los divorcios, Sabian ustedes que desde el 2001 hasta el 2014 mas del 40 porciento de los matrimonios terminaron en divorcio? Senores es decir que de 10 matrimonios 4 terminaran en divorcio, y eso es solo en este pais, roughage paises que esta cifra llega al 50 porciento. La pobreza, el hambre, Como es posible que en pleno siglo XXI, con los avance s en todas las ramas de la ciencia y la humanidad, todavia haya gente muriendose de hambre y viviendo en una pobreza extrema que eventualmente los lleva a la muerte? : Depresion, sentimientos de incomprension, rechazo. Ej. El suicidio en jovenes aumento 300% en 20 anos. Nunca bets el hombre ha tenido la posibilidad de vivir con tantas comodidades como hoy( carros ,aviones, computadoras, fax) y aun asi no es feliz, tenemos tanto y somos tan poco(repetirlo). LA VERDADERA CAUSA DEL ESTADO ACTUAL DEL MUNDO EL PECADO Y SATANAS. . Hoy tenemos una vision incompleta, infantil, mutilada, incluso ridicula de lo que el pecado significa, pecado es una palabra fuera de moda. Su significado :Rebeldia del hombre que trae consigo la frustracion del plan perfecto de Dios. El hombre se aleja de Dios, queriendo prescindir de El. La creatura quiere ser creador. Queremos desarmar una computadora y volverla an armar sin usar el manual del fabricante. El pecado es el blunder mas grande de la humanidad entera. En el han incurrido tasks los hombres. Esta es la causa de que el mundo este como esta Satanas es el dominador de este mundo, fuimos creados para ser duenos de toda la creacion y ahora mismo no podemos ni controlarnos nosotros mismos, tenemos encima su presion. Algunos podra estar pensando que Satanas debe ser algun monstruo rojo con cola y tridente, con cuernos y que es awful, dejenme decirles, que Lucifer time el holy messenger mas bello y al que mas poder Dios otorgo al momento de su creacion, podriamos decir que time su holy messenger favorito, pero este se rebelo y cometio dos errores, su ambicion, queria ser igual de poderoso que Dios y el creer que no necesitaba a Dios, y al momento de su rebelion, Dios lo expulsa del cielo. Al ver que Dios habia triunfado sobre el, Satanas choose atacar a la creacion mas preciada de Dios, EL HOMBRE y fuimos seducidos, asi el mal logro entrar a la tierra, y Se frustro el plan de Dios y muchos creen que Satanas es como un diablillo cachudo de los carnavales. No creen .El problema del mundo de hoy no es que no cree en Dios, es que no cree en Satanas. El es como el cirujano que nos anestesia para poder operarnos sin que molestemos. Gente: Nos sentimos pura vida,

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Corporate Collapse Case Study Part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Corporate Collapse Case Study Part 2 - Essay Example In USA this methodology is a piece of extortion bookkeeping yet in the UK it is utilized to give adaptability in the current bookkeeping and administrative arrangement of the organization. The sole reason for bookkeeping is to give a valid and reasonable view to the clients of the money related data (Larson, 2008). Imaginative bookkeeping doesn't really mean the infringement of GAAP rules or breaking of any terms and state of the organization. The bookkeepers for the most part utilize this idea to embed adaptability in the bookkeeping framework and convey a valid and reasonable view to the clients of the money related report and data (Jones, 2011). Imprint to Market bookkeeping then again is utilized for refreshing the estimation of an advantage or a risk to mirror the genuine market estimation of the benefit/obligation (Wolnizer, 2003). This was primarily utilized for exchange identified with future trade and as of late it is been utilized by banks and other budgetary establishments . This strategy got official acknowledgment in the year 2009 by FASB (Financial Accounting Standard Board). This strategy was utilized to forestall improper utilization of monetary worth. Organizations as a rule utilize this strategy for resources and liabilities however it is additionally utilized for future trades to meet the overall revenue prerequisites. On the off chance that the edge accounts are not observed routinely, at that point the present market worth could drop radically underneath the necessary levels. The procedure of inward review includes noteworthy incentive by forestalling misrepresentation bookkeeping inside the organization and improving budgetary control. Review disappointment prompts misappropriation of assets and non discovery of deceitful exercises inside the organization. Organizations which depend on outer hotspot for inside inspecting process are probably going to recognize less mistake than the individuals who direct the procedure themselves (Idowu and Caliyurt, 2012). Instances of disappointment in the bookkeeping strategy One of the most questionable bookkeeping embarrassments was the â€Å"Enron scandal† in which Enron Corporation, a Houston based vitality, administration and products enterprise petitioned for financial protection in October 2001. The investors of the organization lost $74 billion and thousand of worker lost their retirement records and employments. The CEO of the organization Jeff Skilling and previous CEO Ken had not depicted the colossal obligation sum in their asset report. In October 2000, the offer cost of the organization soar to $90 per share and later in the November, 2000 the stock value plunged to $1(Bierman, 2008). The stock cost of the organization went down on the grounds that Sherron Watkins, a business of the organization had raised doubt about the high stock costs through the whistle blowing strategy. The CEO of the organization and his assistant was inevitably gotten and were named for a long time in jail (Accounting Degree, 2013). This had discolored the picture of Enron Corporation totally and the administration of the organization who had looked for plans for IPO (Initial Public Offering) for the web division couldn't proceed with the plans of IPO. Another comparative episode which had started contentions in USA was prevalently known as the â€Å"World com Scandal†. In the year 2000, the CEO of MCI Communications Mr. Bernie Ebbers got probably the wealthiest man in the country even in the midst of the budgetary emergency looked by the telecom

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Reading When The World Is Ominous Eight Quotes From MFK Fisher

Reading When The World Is Ominous Eight Quotes From MFK Fisher When it feels like the world is too big, too cold, too heavy, too impossible, do you have an author you turn to for reassurance? For me it’s the food writer MFK Fisher who never fails to help me in finding solid footing. (Incidentally, I’m not the first Rioter to write about the impact that Fisher has had on our lives.) Over the last seven years, in eight different bedrooms, the same paperback 50th anniversary edition of her Art of Eating has lived within arm’s reach of my bed, a permanently on-call soothant for my reoccurring bouts of depression, anxiety, and general existential panic. The Art of Eating is a hefty book (between its covers are Fisher’s five books of gastronomical essays) held up with by a backbone of sensibility that approaches the grand mysteries of life with the same wry, quiet determination that she applies to following a new recipe. Personally, I believe that it’s this kind of backbone that enables Fisher to tackle, experience, and understand just about any topic she turns her clear-eyed gaze upon (her essays range from sketches from her unusual life to several thorough examinations of an oyster’s life) while maintaining a perspective that can comfortably hold both the miraculous and the mundane. Reading Fisher is a reorientation for my brain that moves me from a massive, unknowable, indifferent universe to one where even the greatest mysteries are tangible, no longer mysteries that I experience but can also engage in. It’s not just a grounding moment but a reminder that there is in fact a solid ground for me to stand upon. As a stand-in for those still searching for their MFK Fisher, or as a supplement for those who have found theirs, I’d like to offer a few quotes from The Art of Eating that exemplify the kind of sensible backbone that I find in her. To prevent me from just posting the entire text as one big quote I had to give myself arbitrary limitations and flipped through the book at random, looking only in the sections that I opened to for something that seemed appropriate. The quotes are varied, drawing from her autobiographical writings, meditations, and straight forward advice, while speaking (I hope) to her humor, her straightforward fake-it-till-you-make-it approach to life, her rooted sensibility, and her appreciation for the grand emotions that exist in everyday life. I remember when I was a college freshman my nearest approach to la gourmandize was a midnight visit to Henry’s (…) There I would call for the head waiter, which probably awed my escort almost as much as I hoped it would. The waiter, a kindly soul except on Saturday nights, played up to me beautifully, and together we ordered a large pot of coffee and a German pancake with hot apple-sauce and sweet butter. (“Salted butter ruins the flavor,” I would add in a nonchalant aside to my Tommy or Jimmy.) (p. 8) [On baking bread] It is pleasant: one of those almost hypnotic businesses, like a dance from some ancient ceremony. It leaves you filled with peace, and the house filled with one of the world’s sweetest smells. But it takes a lot of time. If you can find that, the rest is easy. And if you cannot rightly find it, make it, for probably there is no chiropractic treatment, no Yoga exercise, no hour of meditation in a music-throbbing chapel, that will leave you emptier of bad thoughts than this homely ceremony of making bread. (p. 247) I had four [bread pans] of my maternal grandmother’s: a good friend quietly liberated two, and an enemy the rest. I still have Grandmother’s black cast-iron “gem-tins,” and I plan to keep them. (p. 247) There are many ways to love a vegetable. The most sensible way is to love it well-treated. Then you can eat it with the comfortable knowledge that you will be a better man for it, in your spirit and your body too, and will never have to worry about your own love being vegetable. (p. 297) If you are used to drinking, and can, it is pleasant to have whiskey or a good stable wine in your cupboard. A glass in your hand makes the ominous sky seem very high above you. (p. 341) If by chance you want to be out in the streets, benefit by many a Londoner’s experience [during wartime blackouts] and carry a little flask, since welcoming pubs are few and far between, and none too eager to open their doors even to old friends when unidentified planes are reported within sound of the listening posts. (p. 341) For me there is too little of life to spend most of it forcing myself into detachment from it. (p. 457) More often than not people who see me on trains and in ships, or in restaurants, feel a kind of resentment of me since I taught myself to enjoy being alone (…) If I am to be alone, I refuse to be alone as if it were something weak and distasteful, like convalescence. (p. 518) Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Tolerance and World Peace - 1557 Words

Tolerance and World Peace What is the meaning of tolerance or world peace? Tolerance is the ability to the fundamental of other cultures without using individuals or own culture to compare others. World peace is the freedom, peace, and happiness between all nations and people. The two articles, â€Å"Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism† by Martha Nussbaum and â€Å"Don’t Forget the Little Plattons† by Michael McConnel, explains the tolerance and cultures. In my own understanding from the 2 articles, I think patriotism is opposite from the tolerance. However, the more patriotic the citizen is towards their own country, they will become less tolerant of other cultures. Nussbaum argues that all citizens should act cosmopolitanism to be sure there†¦show more content†¦Most of my point of view of different culture or belief did come from teaching in school when I took a World Religion course in grade 10. I learn a lot more about other beliefs and cultures more t han usual. It was interesting because most culture have their own traditions that are practically the same traditions than other cultures. I also learn the ideas from my family and realtives. I do believe that the students should learn and understand the cultural teachings in school, so that they have a strong influence that could possibly change their perceptions. â€Å"They key to moral education is to fuse the sentiments (especially love) to teaching of the good. We begin to do good because we love our preceptors (especially our parents); we want to please them and we want to be like them. We continue to do good because that is the kind of person we have grown up to be.† 9 (McConnel1996, 79) McConnell is trying to say in this quote is that tolerance start at home and than become more involving with the community. He also said that one could be part of the local community even though cosmopolitanism states that. But, it cannot be forgotten that the main purpose is to look a t the world as a one society, world peace. Things will have to be accepted in some days where as it is possible that the communities maybe forgotten. To the conclusion, the 2 articles â€Å"Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism† by MarthaShow MoreRelatedTolerance in The Freedom Writers Diary780 Words   |  4 PagesWriters Diary by Erin Gruwell and her students show many great examples of the vast importance of tolerance. This novel is about one teacher who taught her students tolerance and knowledge. This novel even shares how to support tolerance and diversity. Tolerance is important to have in this world because without tolerance, there can be no peace The Freedom Writers Diary shows how the students learn tolerance. In Diary 36, the student writes â€Å"’Why should I read books about people that don’t look likeRead MoreThe Islamic Religion And Islam1301 Words   |  6 Pagesreligions, Judaism, Christianity and, Islam, all support a peaceful world and advocate peace in their main teachings and sacred texts.† (Mt Alvernia Task sheet) There are more than three religions in the world but these three religions are some of the main religions that profoundly support this statement. The Islamic religion is often portrayed by the Western media as a violent religion that does not teach or believe in interfaith or world peace, however through an interfaith understanding it can be seenRead MoreThe Wife s Story By Ursula Leguinn1043 Words   |  5 Pagestheir viewpoints on tolerance. When comparing the texts of Suu Kyi and Langston hughes they both believe tolerance is you shouldn’t discriminate other people based off of tho they are , while Ursula Lequinn shows in her writing that her viewpoint on tolerance is that people are quick to fear something they don’t understand and will sometimes react out of fear not only human beings animals can do it too as shown in her story. In â€Å"The wife’s story â€Å" the viewpoint on tolerance is that we are quickRead MoreHow Have the Concepts of Popular Sovereignty, Rule of Law and Tolerance Developed Through Time880 Words   |  4 PagesJOURNAL 1 The United State has been established based on the foundation ideas of Popular Sovereignty, Rule of Law, and Tolerance. Those ideas have become the strong pillars for our Founding Fathers to build a new society (Coaty 23) which vividly accounted in the U.S. Constitution. The questions arise, what are the Popular Sovereignty, Rule of Law, and Tolerance? Why those ideas have become so vital?   The Popular Sovereignty means is a form of power that a nation state has over itself and its peopleRead MoreTolerence of Religion1636 Words   |  7 PagesTolerance is a basic principle of Islam. It is a religious moral duty. Islam teaches tolerance on all levels: individual, groups and states. Tolerance is the mechanism that upholds human rights and the rule of law. The Qur’an says very clearly: in which you differ’)  (Al-Hajj 21:76-69). Intolerance is on the increase in the world today, causing death, genocide, violenc (To every People have We appointed rites and ceremonies which they must follow, let them not then dispute with you on the matterRead MoreIdeal vs. Reality: Religious Pluralism vs. Religious Tolerance 1302 Words   |  6 Pagesdifferent denominations of Christianity, three synagogues, two temples, and one mosque; all coinciding peacefully in the city (Yellow Pages). Because Riverside is so diverse, religious pluralism and religious tolerance are two steps in making Riverside more connected. The first step is tolerance, a reflex that acknowledges a person will come across people of a different faith. The second step is pluralism, which is a better understanding of a person’s religion as well as the other religions aroundRead MoreAung San Suu Kyi And The Lottery By Shirley Jackson791 Words   |  4 PagesDifferent people make the world go round Human clones may make an exceptional story line for a mainstream science fiction movie. However if we all were clones, our world would lack the diversity it thrives on. We would be stuck in a humdrum cycle without the diversity others bring. Barbara Johnson expresses acceptance of diversity by saying â€Å"We, as human beings, must be willing to accept people who are different from ourselves.† Discrimination, acceptance and tolerance toward diverse people areRead More Too much Tolerance Essay676 Words   |  3 PagesToo much Tolerance Dogmatic Tolerance = Hypocritical Tolerance. It is a word synonymous with peace, good will, brotherly love, acceptance and forgiveness. It is a virtue that is essential in a world filled with racial and religious discrimination. But at the same time tolerance, or, more specifically, the modern, politically correct definition of tolerance, holds some very dangerous pitfalls which, if our government, and we, as a people are not careful of, could be crippling to the individualismRead MoreHuman Rights927 Words   |  4 PagesHuman rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent. Human rights are what make us human. When we speak of the right to life, or development, or to dissent and diversity, we are speaking of tolerance. Tolerance will ensure all freedoms. Without it, we can be certain of none. br brThe raging ethnic cleansing in Kosovo is an example of intolerance. The Serbians will not tolerate the Albanians at any cost. They are forcing them from their homes, turning the streets into killing fields. ThisRead MoreReligion Shaping America Essay895 Words   |  4 Pagesof truth, life without sin, and altruism, or good works. Lastly, religious liberty is a major campaign so trite that one will find religious tolerance laws in every state as well as various religious tolerance groups with ease. Patently, the rudiments of religion are responsible for shaping the world we live and enjoy today. The absence of religious tolerance that pushed colonists from Europe to the newly founded England colonies sprang from the belief, held by both Protestants and Catholics, that

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Era of Wonderful Nonsense - 700 Words

The 1920’s is sometimes referred to as the â€Å"Roaring Twenties,† or â€Å"The Era of Wonderful Nonsense.† The nonsense this phrase is referring to is the style and boldness of the new kind of rebel: the flapper. In the 1920’s the flappers shocked everyone and set the path for other people who yearned to stand out and be different. The flappers certainly contrasted the generation before them, but that did not happen overnight. There are many reasons credited as to why flappers started rebelling, but one of the major ones was WWI. The women decided that most of the eligible bachelors were dead or at war, meaning that there were not enough men to go around. When those men had gone off to war, they left their jobs, meaning that someone had to work†¦show more content†¦Some of these things were so improper that women were arrested for smoking in public even though smoking was not illegal. Flappers took every chance they could to make things scandalo us. The style of flappers was one of the most controversial things about them. Before the Roaring Twenties, dresses that went above the middle of the calf muscle were unheard of, let alone just-below or just-above the knee. These new dress lengths horrified older generations. Along with the dress, she would wear a â€Å"step-in, a single piece of lingerie that took the place of the stiff-boned corset† (Gourley 62). Because of this, the flappers could maneuver more freely. The dresses were not the only reason for this. Another new concept the flappers shocked the world with was short, bobbed hair. Long hair represented elegance and respect, but â€Å"flappers had no time for elaborate hairdos† (Fashion . . . through the Ages 1). Many of them would wear their hair in small waves called â€Å"marcels,† named after the man who invented them, Marcel Greateau. Sometimes they would pin the hair back with another new invention called a bobby pin, which is still in use today. The shorter hair added to the â€Å"boyish look† that the flappers wanted. They would also wear newsboy caps and bras that made their chests look smaller, because big chests were considered ladylike. The flappers liked to believe that they were the complete opposite of ladylike. The center of attention was the desired goal. EveryoneShow MoreRelatedEssay Carl Jung and The Great Gatsby1268 Words   |  6 Pagesoften important to SPs, yet not so much what is thought of them by society. When I say that the 20s were an SP era, I mean just that: the people were of loose ethics and wanted to be free of responsibility. Of course this does not encompass everyone, but it is the stereotype of the times, just as not all people were hippies in the 1960s, the 60s are stereotypically the hippie era. Dont be afraid#8230;Taste everything#8230;Sometimes I think we only half live over here. The Italians live allRead MoreAlice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll981 Words   |  4 PagesWonderful Wonder World â€Å"Alice in Wonderland†, written by Lewis Carroll, is an incredible masterpiece filled with nonsense literature about a young girl named Alice Liddell, who follows â€Å"a White Rabbit with pink eyes† (Carroll) down a rabbit hole and finds herself in the world of Wonderland. Intrigued with this realm, she continues forward to discover what adventures awaited her through the Mad Hatter’s tea party, and the Queen of Hearts’ court. The connection with Marxism and this novel is how QueenRead MoreThe 1920s transformations greatly affected the American society. There was a dramatic social change700 Words   |  3 Pagesmany aspects of this culture that broke away from the moral and manners of the Victorian era, in some ways this era was also traditional and conservative. Some issues during this era, known as the â€Å"roaring twenties† or the age of wonderful nonsense, like the â€Å"new woman†, the consumer culture, and the â€Å"new negro† contributed to the progression that was prevalent in the 1920s. The status of women during this era changed dramatically. In 1919, women earned the right to vote and were also taking on moreRead MoreThe Great Gatsby891 Words   |  4 PagesRolling Twenties Brother The era known as the Roaring Twenties was a time of immense joy, opportunity and prosperity. Unfortunately, the 1920’s was also a period where greed, corruption and organized crime took a firm foothold. The exuberant happiness of the time was only trumped by its gap between the rich and the poor. The novel shows the true face of the so-called Age of Wonderful Nonsense with the writer’s own personal conflict. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s groundbreaking novel The Great Gatsby hasRead More Biography of Louis Armstrong Essay1236 Words   |  5 Pagesskill as a singer and a musician. Armstrongs health began to fail him and he was hospitalized several times over the remaining three years of his life, but he continued playing and recording. In 1968 he recorded his last song, What A Wonderful World, before becoming one of the greatest Jazz hits in America, Louis’ â€Å"number one hit† gained popularity in the U.K April 1968. It later gained popularity in America after 1987 when it was used in the film Good Morning, Vietnam July 6th 1971 theRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald935 Words   |  4 PagesThe Roaring Twenties, widely known as the â€Å"era of wonderful nonsense† and characterized by a disillusionment with American foreign policy abroad after a stark World War I death toll, was all about the new–new pleasures, new technologies, new consumer products (Pattern 4). The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is set in this tumultuous period in American history, also marked by enormous income and wealth inequali ty, ultimately leading to the Great Depression. At the start of the novel, Nick’s fatherRead MoreCarrolls Influence on Literary Nonsense1909 Words   |  8 PagesCarrolls Influence on Literary Nonsense Literature has always been a source of escaping reality, even if only for an hour. Whether it is within the pages of a novel or the lines of a poem, reading is a way to travel outside the realm of everyday life and become a hero or villain, a lover or a monster. Their are books written about anything and everything, but one theme that intrigues young and old alike is a world completely different from ones own. When one flips everyday meaning upsideRead MoreIndustrial Leaders of the 1865-1900 Era: Robber Barons or Industrial Statesmen?1558 Words   |  7 Pagesthe 1865–1900 era as either â€Å"robber barons† or â€Å"industrial statesmen†? DOCUMENT A. Q: How is the freight and passenger pool working?†¨W.V.: Very satisfactorily. I don’t like that expression â€Å"pool,† how- ever, that’s a common construction applied by the people to a combi- nation which the leading roads have entered into to keep rates at a point where they will pay dividends to the stockholders. The railroads are not run for the benefit of the â€Å"dear public†Ã¢â‚¬â€that cry is all nonsense—they are builtRead MoreLifestyles of the Rich and Famous in the Roaring Twenties Essay1015 Words   |  5 PagesLifestyles of the Rich and Famous in the Roaring 20’s The Roaring Twenties†, The Era of Wonderful Nonsense, The Decade of the Dollar , The Period of the Psyche, Dry Decade and the age of Alcohol and Al Capone†, these slogans are all ways to describe the 1920’s in just a few words. (The 1920s: Lifestyles and Social Trends: Overview) The 1920’s were a decade of parties, money, and extravagant lifestyles. The decade portrayed the American Dream of women, money, alcohol, music, and partyingRead MoreFrom January 16, 1919 To December 5,1933, The Volstead1252 Words   |  6 Pagescitizens of the United States became more daring and began making their own alcohol and created â€Å"underground† bars called speakeasies. One of the most famous bootleggers of this time was Al Capone. New York Times called him,†The symbol of a shameful era, the monstrous symptom of a disease which was eating into the conscience of America.† Not only were these bootleggers transporting and selling alcohol in speakeasi es, but now doctors pushed prescription alcohol to â€Å"cure† illnesses. Once Prohibition

Does covergirl test on animals Free Essays

Animals can be subject to pain, lack and hardship when inserted into the conditions needed to test them. Cosmetic animal testing is cruel alternative of doing real research and find out what products really nuisances people. There are many cosmetic companies that test on animals, including many major brands. We will write a custom essay sample on Does covergirl test on animals or any similar topic only for you Order Now Every day, the cosmetic companies that experiments on animals are subjected to a variety of animals those cruel and inhumane attitudes. Over the years, the number of wins by animal rights campaigns and lots of already tested on animals to stop. In late 1980 and early 1990, there are many leading companies to stop testing cosmetics on animals in response to negative publicity from animal rights groups. Moreover, in recent years the interest in sustainable products both companies eco-friendly and animal’s cosmetics have more burden to stop testing on animals. However, despite interest in cruelty cosmetics for the practice of cosmetic companies that test on animals, there are many cosmetic companies involved in this cases. Top cosmetic companies that test on animals are Maybelline. Maybelline is one of the largest cosmetic companies that test on animals. When it comes to market share, Maybelline has a market share of 7. 4% in the world of cosmetics. Not like the other companies that have stopped animal testing over the years, Maybelline has continued to test on animals. Secondly is L’Oreal, the greater share of the world market of cosmetics with the 5. 3% market share. The company was also the subject of animal rights campaigns, because it is one of the main cosmetic companies that test on animals. The group called L’Oreal Nature watches continue to criticized the current boycott L’Oreal Company argues that even gives animal tests in 1989. Nature watch show that while L’Oreal will no longer be able to test finished products on animals, the ingredients tested on animals. Lancome has a market share of 4% of the world and, inappropriately, one of the cosmetic companies that test on animals. Like other cosmetic companies that test on animals, has done a lot of web sites that keep trash of companies that use animal testing and is commonly avoided by those whom wishing to be considerate consumers. Max Factor has a 2. 8% share of the world market, it is sufficient to include it among the major cosmetic companies that test on animals. The company has been targeted by animal rights activists over the years, both relating to animal testing for cosmetic products, as well as the fact that Max Factor parent company Procter ;amp; Gamble-test a variety of animal products. Cover Girl has a 2. 7% share of the world market, the number of high-ranking enough to five major cosmetic companies that test on animals. As for Max Factor, Cover Girl is owned by Procter ;amp; Gamble, which has tested several products on animals. Although Procter and Gamble claimed that stopped animal testing for 80% of its products, continues to test various products on animals. In addition to these companies, there are many other cosmetic companies that test on animals. The products are not tested on animals in General clearly labeled. There are millions of animals that have suffered violent, painful death in the name of research. Live animals such as human beings, but people seem to think that animals are just mere tools at their disposal. The types of animal testing research are medical, surgical, and cosmetic testing. For years researchers have been using animals as test tool for human drugs. People say that using animals, we are getting closer to finding a cure for cancer, but in fact, all the researchers found was a cure for cancer in rats, but it just does not work in humans, according to the former head of the U. S. National Cancer Institute. Animals and humans built different, because these animals do not get sick in the same way that people do. Every year in the United States alone, there are more than 100,000 human deaths caused by drugs all have successfully passed the test animals. Since all that extensive research has failed, it has been a waste of time that could have been spent using alternative test will be more reliable and accurate for medical research. Surgery is another form of animal testing where prepared animal cut open the stomach just to see how they work as if they were some kind of machine. Type or analyzed animals in schools which are frogs, cats, dogs, pigs, rats, rabbits, fish, worms, and insects. Frogs taken from the wild and other animals taken from carnage houses, animal shelter, pound, pet stores, and are also free to good home ads. A PETA undercover investigator in one of the country’s largest supplier of animals to be used for the operation had been told by his supervisor that some cats are killed have become animal companions have ran away from their homes and the fact that students do experiments on animals other one and only. Animals used for surgery being blasted, and sometimes, they were brought out alive and in pain only to be injected with formaldehyde, which is harshly irritating caustic substance that causes a painful death. Students who dissect animals are sensitive to the sanctity of life, and surgery can encourage students to killed animals elsewhere, perhaps in their own backyard. Animals adequate to live their lives the way they naturally planned for. Cosmetics industry uses animals to determine their security products. As a result of testing done, millions of animals suffer a painful to death. A type of test used on animals called irritancy test where liquid, granule, flake, or powdered substance falls into albino rabbit eye group. Because of this, irritated rabbit eyes become swollen and may bleed. Even though rabbits alive and aware, almost fifty percent of the test animals death usually within 2 or 3 weeks. There is another type of test done to establish what skin care products are safe for humans called skin irritancy test. Those tests are mostly conducted in rabbits and guinea pigs. This is processes that involves shaving the animal and put chemicals on raw skin and cover their bare skin with adhesive plaster. Animals will be moving in the block device to prevent them from fighting. This form of the test may be far worst child; these animals that undergo test only for a new lipstick or perfume live in enclosures, small crowded in fear or pain and suffering. Animals have different biological systems or human testing may not be as accurate. A cosmetic testing on animals is not only offensive, but also it is also very expensive. Alternative test can maintain the same amount of data, and less expensive and not cruel to animals. The fact that people take small animals that are unable to punish them, just so people can make themselves look and feel better is just wide of the mark. There is a more logical way of testing described above. Test more accurate and less offensive to living things, such as â€Å"synthetic skin,† called Corrosive, computer modeling and numerical Marine Local Lymph Node Assay design better, (LLNA). It is a proven fact that animals feel pain just like humans, but we still think its okay torture and kill animals in the name of science. If this is the man that researchers have used it will be considered unethical and immoral. We must end the cruelty and torture for this because as humans, animals, wildlife. No matter how it is viewed, it is cruel and unusual punishment. The soul is the same in all living things, and even the body of each is different. If people would take the time and attract what this quote really means, then maybe they will have a better respect and understanding for animals and see why animal testing is morally wrong, and torment beings who can’t speak for themselves. If scientists can find a way to find out what materials people react negatively to, there would be no need to test on animals. How to cite Does covergirl test on animals, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The main reason why most people are not happy thes Essays

The main reason why most people are not happy these days, is that they don't understand what happiness really is. Misguided by the thought that material things will make them happy, spend their life pursuing goals that would never make them happy. First of all, in the present social life, where success has become synonymous with contentment, the definition of happiness has been redefined. People are accustomed to think that happiness depends upon the amount of wealth and luxury one has. Moreover, it is quite evident that these days we look for happiness in money or just material things in general. Although wealth can make an individual feel fulfilled, but we can still agree that in most cases material possessions do not necessarily equate to happiness. Speaking on, from my point of view, just doing what you like to do most should bring joy and happiness your life. Just to prove my point, I related famous actor Jim Carrey quotation. One more important way of remaining happy is to be broadminded and don't let hard times or clouds of sorrow darken our lives or make us feel depressed. On the other hand, it has to be admitted that man's need for money in the modern age cannot be dismissed. Every man needs some luxuries to lead a comfortable life. He needs money to buy food, clothes and etc. Sometimes, not being able to buy common things, things that are essential for a comfortable life can really make it hard to think of anything happy that is going on in your life.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Edmund Kemper essays

Edmund Kemper essays On May 7, 1972dmund Kemper began his series of murders. His first two victims were both students at Fresno State College. They were hitchhiking to Stanford University, but they made the tragic mistake of excepting a ride from Kemper. After driving them around for while, he pulled into a remote deserted area. He forced Anita Luchese into the trunk of the car, and turned his attention to his first victim Mary Ann Pesce. He put in the back seat face down, and placed a plastic bag over her head. He then attempted to try to strangle her with a piece of cloth. But, his efforts were not successful at first, because even though she was handcuffed, she was able to bite a hole in the bag and to make Kemper even angrier the cloth broke. By this time Kemper became extremely frustrated with his efforts. He then proceeded to pull a knife and repeatedly stabbed Mary Ann, and eventually slashed her throat. Anitas death was much quicker, after Kemper removed her from the trunk he stabbed her with a different and larger knife. She fought and screamed for little bit, but finally wore down, and she to died a senseless death. Afterward, Kemper drove around for a while with the bodies still in his car, while trying to decide what to do with the bodies. He eventually brought Anitas body into his apartment, where he undressed her and dissected her body. He then beheaded both womens bodies. Kemper disposed of Mary Anns body in the plastic bag he tried to suffocate her with, and buried her body. Kemper later lead the police to the location of her body. He kept their heads for a while before dumping them into a ravine. Anitas remains were never found. Kemper drew no suspicion from these two murders, so he continued to prowl. On September 14, 1972, he picked up Aiko Koo, a fifteen-year-old dancer of Korean descent. She was on her way to dance class when she became tired of waiting for the bus and decide to hitchhike. Like his ...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Basic Information About Maps

Basic Information About Maps We see them every day, we use them when we travel, and we refer to them often, but what is a map? Map Defined A map is defined as a representation, usually on a flat surface, of a whole or part of an area. The job of a map is to describe spatial relationships of specific features that the map aims to represent. There are many different types of maps that attempt to represent specific things. Maps can display political boundaries, population, physical features, natural resources, roads, climates, elevation (topography), and economic activities. Maps are produced by cartographers. Cartography refers both the study of maps and the process of map-making. It has evolved from basic drawings of maps to the use of computers and other technologies to assist in making and mass producing maps. Is a Globe a Map? A globe is a map. Globes are some of the most accurate maps that exist. This is because the earth is a three-dimensional object that is close to spherical. A globe is an accurate representation of the spherical shape of the world. Maps lose their accuracy because they are actually projections of a part of or the entire Earth. Map Projections There are several types of map projections, as well as several methods used to achieve these projections. Each projection is most accurate at its center point and becomes more distorted the further away from the center that it gets. The projections are generally named after either the person who first used it, the method used to produce it, or a combination of the two. Some common types of map projections include: MercatorTransverse MercatorRobinsonLambert Azimuthal Equal AreaMiller CylindricalSinusoidal Equal AreaOrthographicStereographicGnomonicAlbers Equal Area Conic In-depth explanations of how the most common map projections are made can be found on this USGS website, complete with diagrams and explanations of uses and advantages to each. Mental Maps The term mental map refers to the maps that arent actually produced and just exist in our minds. These maps are what allow us to remember the routes that we take to get somewhere. They exist because people think in terms of spatial relationships and vary from person to person because they are based on ones own perception of the world. Evolution of Maps Maps have changed in many ways since maps were first used. The earliest maps that have withstood the test of time were made on clay tablets. Maps were produced on leather, stone, and wood. The most common medium for producing maps on is, of course, paper. Today, however, maps are produced on computers, using software such as GIS or Geographic Information Systems. The way maps are made has also changed. Originally, maps were produced using land surveying, triangulation, and observation. As technology advanced, maps  were made using aerial photography, and then eventually remote sensing, which is the process used today. The appearance of maps has evolved along with their accuracy. Maps have changed from basic expressions of locations  to works of art, extremely accurate, mathematically produced maps. Map of the World Maps are generally accepted as precise and accurate, which is true  but only to a point. A map of the entire world, without distortion of any kind, has yet to be produced; therefore it is vital that one questions where that distortion is on the map that they are using.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Criminal Psychology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Criminal Psychology - Case Study Example Indiana ) The majority reached this conclusion based on the fact that the petitioner was deaf, had no ability to read or write and that it was doubtful that the petitioner could even develop an ability to communicate by sign language. Since the petitioner was entirely unable to communicate, it was decided that he should be hospitalized until that time in which he could testify. In the case that he would never be able to communicate, the defendant would be hospitalized permanently. Since Case was found 'not guilty', his term of hospitalization depends entirely upon his own mental state. In the case of Jones vs. United States, the petitioner, Jones, committed a range of felonies and upon hospitalization was diagnosed "Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type." (Jones vs. United States)Jones was eventually granted acquittal based on Insanity, and was hospitalized until considered stable. Since Case was labeled "legally insane," he could be hospitalized until stable in a similar situation. Question 2 An actuarial risk assessment tool is used to predict a dangerous behavior as well as the rate of recurrence, impact and likely victims of said behavior. One such assessment tool used for preventing violence was presented by Patterson and colleagues. This is the SAD PERSONS mnemonic, and it is used to prevent suicides by the interpretation of collected data concerning the possibly suicidal nature of the individual. The VISAT, or Victorian Intervention Screening Assessment Tool, is a risk assessment tool used for sexual offenders. The VISAT uses Corrections personnel to predict future occurrences of criminal behavior base on information about the offender. VISAT also focuses upon 'changeable' aspects of the offender's life in order to indicate where risk is high or where treatment could be effective.There are several positive outcomes of Actuarial risk assessment. Through its process, correctional personnel are able to predict a criminal profile so as to identify when and where a crim inal will commit a felony. Such felonies may be prevented by the use of actuarial risk assessment. However, this type of risk assessment is subject to personal opinion, and one wonders how accurate such a prediction could be. In structure clinical judgment, the assessment is based on clinical interviews and observation. Clinical judgment has the added bonus of a professional opinion administered by a trained clinician. However, structure clinical judgment does not include statistical information of any kind; the assessment is based solely on one person's opinion. In the end, there is always the presence of human error.Currently, the relationship between mental illness and crime seems to be effective. According to Jeanne Y. Choe and colleagues, the highest percentage of offenders occurs in committed patients before hospitalization. This seems

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Martha Stewart's Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Martha Stewart's Case Analysis - Essay Example The company’s stated market is ‘as big as everyone who has a house.’ The company is shown to have four segments which are divided into three platforms in order to leverage investments. There is the Omnimedia platform which is divided into publishing (focusing on the Martha Stewart Living (MSL) magazine, Martha Stewart Weddings as well as a selection of special interest magazines and books and a New York Times column) and television (focusing on the Martha Stewart Living television series, From Martha’s Kitchen, prime time specials and Christmas events). There is also the OmniMerchandising platform (focusing on Martha Stewart branded lines ranging from the Martha Stewart Everyday line to the Martha Stewart Home line, distributed principally through Kmart and Sears respectively) and the Internet/Direct Commerce platform (focusing on Martha by Mail catalog and the website). Stewart herself is the driving force behind the company, maintaining control over the company following privatization with 60% control of shares and 96% control of votes. She maintains close relationships with her female dominated board of directors while her family also play an important role in the business. The root problem of the report is that it is difficult to assess the value and long term future of a company which is based around a personality. This is because the company could be seriously adversely affected by a change in public opinion with regards to Martha Stewart herself. This problem exists because the company has become a personality led brand. It is therefore extremely difficult to predict how public opinion will react to the personality in the future if their perceived strengths are threatened. Examples in the case study include criticisms of Stewart as being difficult to work with, as setting unreasonably

Friday, January 24, 2020

Frankenstein Essays -- Literary Analysis, Mary Shelley

â€Å"I am alone and miserable: man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to me† (Shelley 127). A monster with bad intentions generates a bad reputation in society. However, does a monster whose sole purpose is to achieve and excel treated wrongly because of the way he looks? According to John Bugg’s â€Å"Master of their language: Education and Exile† The creature’s narrative of education unfolds from a personal realization of alterity. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein portrays the creature’s motivation to broaden his education in order to be accepted by society. Despite the creature’s good intentions to broaden his education, his physical appearance disallows him to obtain an education, and therefore the only residual is to seek revenge on his creator. Naturally the creature believes that if he is well educated, people will look beyond his hideous appearance and accept him. Through the inspiration the De Laceys give, â€Å" The creature comes to view the De Laceys as superior beings, who would be the arbiters of [his] future destiny† (Shelley 90). Consequently the creature comes to the realization that the De Laceys are the only people who might be able to broaden his education. Hence he plans on visiting the old blind man because he will not be able to judge the creature by his appearance. In The creature will confront the old man when the rest of the De Laceys are out so he can create a friendship. The creature contemplates his future and he is â€Å"Longing to be accepted into the world he sees and romances through the crack in the De Laceys wall, the creature believes that literacy is the key† (Bugg 661). The creature knows that no one will be able to look past his appearance if he’s not e... ...nsible for what the creature has become. The creature responds,â€Å" You can blast my other passions, but revenge remains-revenge, henceforth dearer than light of food! I may die, but first you, my tyrant and tormentor, shall curse the sun that gazes on your misery† (Shelley 154). Victor has taken everything away from the creature, but the creature will always have the mindset on revenge for Victor. The creature will not rest until Victor feels the same misery he felt. This is the final stage of the creature’s life where he ignores his surroundings and takes matters into his own hand. The creature’s failure to blend in with society creates hatred in the creature’s heart for his creator. The only option for the creature is to seek revenge. This shows that the creature’s determination of destroying his creator was far greater than the creatures determination to fit in. Frankenstein Essays -- Literary Analysis,  Mary Shelley â€Å"I am alone and miserable: man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to me† (Shelley 127). A monster with bad intentions generates a bad reputation in society. However, does a monster whose sole purpose is to achieve and excel treated wrongly because of the way he looks? According to John Bugg’s â€Å"Master of their language: Education and Exile† The creature’s narrative of education unfolds from a personal realization of alterity. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein portrays the creature’s motivation to broaden his education in order to be accepted by society. Despite the creature’s good intentions to broaden his education, his physical appearance disallows him to obtain an education, and therefore the only residual is to seek revenge on his creator. Naturally the creature believes that if he is well educated, people will look beyond his hideous appearance and accept him. Through the inspiration the De Laceys give, â€Å" The creature comes to view the De Laceys as superior beings, who would be the arbiters of [his] future destiny† (Shelley 90). Consequently the creature comes to the realization that the De Laceys are the only people who might be able to broaden his education. Hence he plans on visiting the old blind man because he will not be able to judge the creature by his appearance. In The creature will confront the old man when the rest of the De Laceys are out so he can create a friendship. The creature contemplates his future and he is â€Å"Longing to be accepted into the world he sees and romances through the crack in the De Laceys wall, the creature believes that literacy is the key† (Bugg 661). The creature knows that no one will be able to look past his appearance if he’s not e... ...nsible for what the creature has become. The creature responds,â€Å" You can blast my other passions, but revenge remains-revenge, henceforth dearer than light of food! I may die, but first you, my tyrant and tormentor, shall curse the sun that gazes on your misery† (Shelley 154). Victor has taken everything away from the creature, but the creature will always have the mindset on revenge for Victor. The creature will not rest until Victor feels the same misery he felt. This is the final stage of the creature’s life where he ignores his surroundings and takes matters into his own hand. The creature’s failure to blend in with society creates hatred in the creature’s heart for his creator. The only option for the creature is to seek revenge. This shows that the creature’s determination of destroying his creator was far greater than the creatures determination to fit in.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Interview Reflection Paper Essay

I did my interview with a relative who we’ll just call â€Å"Sarah† for the remainder of this paper for confidential reasons. Sarah has been struggling with her addiction since the age of 28. She started experimenting with drugs in her late teens. First it was marijuana, all of her friends and even family members were smoking the drug. By the time she reached her earl y 20’s Sarah started experimenting with cocaine which eventually lead to her addiction to crack cocaine. By the time Sarah was addicted to crack cocaine she was already married and a mother of 4, one boy and three girls. Her son was 8 years old and the girls were ages 6, 5, and 3 years old. Her husband was not nor ever was a drug user. He loved her and their children dearly and was trying anything and everything to get Sarah the help that she needed, but at the time Sarah had no interest in receiving any kind of help even after she found out she was pregnant again. Sarah didn’t believe she ha d a problem at the time, however she admitted using the drug multiple times during her pregnancy. Sarah delivered her baby boy in January of 1993. Sarah stated that she tried quitting the drug during her pregnancy and also after she had her baby but struggled, meanwhile her husband was also struggling trying to work and take care of 5 children now. Sarah also stated that on a number of occasions she wouldn’t come home because she was at the â€Å"crack house† with her friends. It got to the point where her husband wouldn’t give her any more money because he knew what she was going to do with it. When Sarah’s funds were cut off she started stealing to support her habit. Sarah admitted to steeling from grocery stores, department stores and even family members including her own husband, she also admitted to prostituting herself for money and/or drugs. This resulted to her being arrested multiple times between 1994 and 1997. In this time frame she also had 2 more children, both boys one born in 1995 and the other 1997. This is when she realized that she had hit rock bottom, she was facing jail time for h er crimes, had 7 children that she did not spend time with and a husband who has just about gave up on her. Sarah was on the verge of losing everything she had left. On October 16th 1997 she was incarcerated for past crimes she had committed, she was sentenced to 1 year in jail and 2 years of probation. During Sarah’s incarceration she went through her detox phase, during the detox phase she was experiencing cravings, anxiety, irritability,  insomnia and depression, she even had thoughts of suicide throughout this process. This process lasted for several months. Sarah stated that this was the hardest part of her incarceration. Looking back Sarah is thankful for having to serve the time because that helped her through her first steps of becoming sober. Part of her probation was her being required to meet with case worker and also having to take random drug test through a program called ZCI for 2 years. As of October 16th 1997 Sarah has remained sober. She now looks back and thinks about everything she put her family through and feels horrible. â€Å"Don’t get me wrong, it is an everyday struggle. I’ve thought about using several times throughout my sobriety, but that’s part of the struggle. I then look back at all the hurt and pain I caused everyone including myself and that’s what keeps me sober†. During this interview Sarah was very emotional, and remorseful. We took 4 breaks within an hour timeframe for her to compose herself. At first I was a little bit sketchy on doing this interview but at the end of the day I am thankful for having to do it because I got on a more personal level with Sarah. Even though I’ve known her all my life I feel like this brought us a little closer, and now she knows that she has someone else to come to if she ever finds herself struggling with her sobriety or any other trials she may be facing. If I was Sarah’s worker I would put her through detoxification process, followed by cognitive behavioral therapy as well as some type of motivational therapy. I would also recommend her to find some type of suppor t system to help her live a drug free productive life.